The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) has long been a pillar of the global film industry, celebrating the art of storytelling and showcasing the most compelling cinematic voices from around the world. As the festival enters 2024, it finds itself at a...
The film industry, once seen as a realm of creativity, innovation, and human intuition, is standing on the brink of a major transformation. With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) seeping into nearly every corner of our lives, it’s only natural that...
August 2023 was a month of significant developments in the world of film photography, with a mix of product releases, industry trends, and cultural movements that continue to shape the medium’s resurgence. For many, film photography is more than just a nostalgic...
In an era dominated by digital technology, where smartphones have replaced the need for many traditional devices, one might not expect analog photography to experience a resurgence. However, much like vinyl records, film cameras have made a surprising comeback,...
As 2022 came to a close, cinema found its footing once again after the tumult of the global pandemic. With theaters reopening and a resurgence of blockbuster hits, the year proved that film remains a resilient and vital force in storytelling. From compelling dramas to...